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Buy in “” is simple and intuitive.

Your order will be achieved in a few steps, which are detailed:

  • You should browse our shop giving out our products for different categories.
  • When you find items that may interest you go adding them to your shopping cart. To add a product to the cart just click “Add to Cart” and is added automatically.
  • When you add a product to the cart, you can “Continue Shopping” or “Show Cart”.
  • If you have completed the order select “Show Cart” (if you are not a customer, you must register; and if you are a customer, you must to enter your password and press “ACCESS”).
  • In the next step you must accept the shipping address contained in your file, or you must enter a new shipping address.
  • In the next step, if you have a discount coupon, you must enter in this step. Press “SAVE
  • In the next step the program tells you the cost of shipping. If shipping cost is not indicated, it is because in your address does not include a country.
  • In the next step the program prompts you for a payment default. You can choose “Bank transfer, PayPal or VISA / MASTERCARD”. If you make a change in the method of payment, you must click “SAVE”. If you choose the option VISA / MASTERCARD the program takes you to program PAYPAL. There you should choose the option that does not have a Paypal account, and then in the next step you need to enter the data of your credit card for payment.
  • In the next step you can add all “Notes and special requests” that you consider necessary, you must click to accept the terms of service and finally press "CHECKOUT NOW”.
  • The order will be registered and sent by e-mail to our email. You will receive confirmation of it and monitoring (back order, in process and finally sent). thanks you for your trust and offers email and telephone customer support for any questions or doubts you may need.